
Member Brad Collier Designs Website for Local 423

February 25, 2021

When Local 423 wanted to update their online presence and create a new website for their members to use, they wanted someone skilled and trained in software engineering. EAS Carpenters are the best skilled and most trained construction workers in numerous trades, but their commitment to education does not always end at construction. Luckily for Local 423, member Brad Collier had some self-taught experience already and while he is not on the job site, he is currently enrolled as a full-time student for software engineering.


Brad was always intrigued with building and designing websites at a young age. That intrigue lead to researching how website designing worked and teaching himself how to design.

Member Brad Collier

“Growing up during the dot com era when websites were very basic and in the early stages of having a web presence.” Collier continued, “As the technology evolved through the years, I taught myself basic HTML code for minor web changes.”


When Local 423 would hold discussions at Local meetings about how to improve communication with members Brad was right there to provide some insight and even brought up to his Local Representatives tips and ideas when he was on the job site.


“Brad spent endless evenings, weekends, and months with us on the face to face meetings and zoom calls, working tirelessly to make it user friendly for our brother & sister members. Brad even came to our Local 423 Executive Board Meeting one evening to put on a presentation for the Board to get all officers inputs and thoughts,” explained Vice President for Local 423, Michael Regan


Check Out the New Local 423 Site


“We were very pleased and honored to have one of our members build the site. It is a special thought to know and we pursued this option the minute he brought it up,” stated Regan. Members will now be provided with faster announcements, UCAN Events, etc. Michael has already been contacted by members giving their praises, saying “it’s very informative, user-friendly, and professional; We always tell them thanks, but the praise goes to Brother Brad!”


“I take great pride in calling myself a Union Carpenter,” Brad said about his union, “Being a part of the Union means that if you’re willing to work hard and do a good job then it will open up more opportunities in the future. I am happy to help my union in anyway I can”