Make Your Voice Heard: Shame on Everest Medical Group


Everest Medical Group is building a new facility located in Chester, PA called Silver Care Senior Housing & Rehabilitation. They have hired Tri-County Contracting Corp as their General Contractor for this project. Tri-County subcontracted the carpentry work to Steel Interiors who are unscrupulous and don’t pay area wage and benefit standards.


Everest Medical Group is cheating the State of Pennsylvania, while profiting at the same time using an underpaid and under trained workforce. Not paying taxes cheats the state and all local residents! With our economy a long way from recovering from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic we must all commit to using local skilled workers who will invest in the economy. The Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters have fought tirelessly to establish these area standards


Does Everest Medical Group and Tri-County Contracting Corp. expect to reap HUGE PROFITS at the expense of an underpaid workforce?


Everest Medical Group should hire contractors that hold higher standards for who they employ! Add your name to the cause!!! Let Joyce know we won’t accept these business practices!


Thank You for Your Support from the Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters!


We are not asking anyone to stop working, or to refuse to make deliveries.