Local 474 Virtual Meeting Information

Local 474 Brothers and Sisters!!! The next meeting will take place virtually on Friday, February 18th at 7:30PM. Please READ all the directions below for the meeting.



Please begin logging-in 15 minutes prior to ensure connectivity. For security purposes, please log-in using video and use your full name. NO TELEPHONE LOG-INS WILL BE ACCEPTED ALL MEMBERS MUST BE ON CAMERA. Once you have successfully logged in, please put yourself on mute. The meeting will start promptly at your designated time.


Join Meeting Here



You are invited to call Local 474 Meeting Room on Lifesize.


Join the meeting: https://call.lifesizecloud.com/8661228

Meeting extension: 8661228#


When Roll Call is conducted, each member will report their attendance. When speaking, start with your name and your E-Board position.  Be sure to unmute yourself to speak and press the mute button when you are not speaking.

There will be regular business conducted along with reports from Officers, Delegates and Committees. The President will call the meeting to order and conduct it as he sees fit.

In order to conduct business properly, motions will be made, seconded, and voted on. This is where the patience comes in to accomplish this virtually.

Mute/ Unmute: First there are two mute features; one that is controlled by you the Delegate, and another that is controlled by the Moderator. Once a motion is called for by the Chair, the Moderator will unmute all.

Raised Hand: In order for the Member to be recognized through this virtual process, you will have to use the Raised Hand feature that is shown in the pictures on the following page. In order to speak on the motion, or second a motion, you will have to use the Raised Hand feature. We will then Unmute all for the vote. The order in which you raised your hand will be recognized by the Recording Secretary. All hands raised will be cleared following each motion. Any hands raised before a motion is called will not be recognized. When Local business takes us to Good of the Order/Unfinished Business/New Business, you will again need to use the Raised Hand feature, and you will be recognized by the Recording Secretary if this applies.