
Attorneys General Roundtable Webinar hosted by the Carpenter Contractor Trust

March 31, 2022

On Thursday, April 14th, the Carpenter Contractor Trust is hosting the 2022 AG Roundtable Webinar as part of the national “Tax Fraud Days of Action”. This initiative allows us to direct our full attention on spreading the word on all of the issues the construction industry and workers around the country face every day.


This virtual roundtable allows for leaders in the construction industry to hear directly from State Attorneys General. These public servants will provide their perspective on the ongoing efforts to combat wage theft, worker misclassification, and other damaging issues within our construction industry.


Some Attorneys General from across our council footprint have taken action, appointed task forces, and have fought on behalf of misclassified workers. Wage theft and worker misclassification is a blemish on our industry and impacts everyone in the community.


Hosted By:

Thursday, April 14th

10:00 AM EST


RSVP Today!