The Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters continues the tradition of being involved in the political process whether it is legislatively or the election side. Our advocacy for policy issues and individual politicians is based solely on worker rights. Union members do not care if an idea or politician is Democrat or Republican. All that matters to our union is whether worker’s rights are protected on all levels. 

How We Take Action



Get Out the Vote:


Our union is committed to having our membership be registered to vote and actually vote. We provide our members with the information they need to make informed decisions at the polls and have the necessary tools to be registered to vote

Take Action:

When it comes to issues that affect worker’s rights you will not see our members on the sidelines. Members will be rallying to educate the public about issues in their community, knocking on doors for pro-labor candidates, and contacting their local elected leaders. Our council takes political action seriously and will be making sure the voice of our membership is heard and creates actual change. 

If you are a member or part of a union family and want to take action yourself please reach out to your Local’s office to get involved or use this link to find out how you can advocate for workers right now!  



Endorsements to political candidates are made by the Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters. Any and all political endorsements are simply suggestions for our members as they make their own informed decision. Endorsements are made after candidates are vetted by local and regional leadership in the best interest of their members to ensure we are supporting candidates that understand both union and carpenters’ values.


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Want to see how our political action has affected you and your community? Read some of the most up to date actions our members have taken.